Polls the GUI to see if any events have occurred.
GUIGetMsg ( [advanced] )
advanced | [optional] return extended information in an array. 0 = (default) Returns a single event. 1 = returns an array containing the event and extended information. |
Return Value
Returns an event, or an array depending on the "advanced" parameter.Event ID | the ID of the control sending the message |
0 | No event |
$GUI_EVENT_CLOSE | dialog box being closed (either by defined button or system menu). |
$GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE | dialog box minimized with Windows title bar button. |
$GUI_EVENT_RESTORE | dialog box restored by click on task bar icon. |
$GUI_EVENT_MAXIMIZE | dialog box maximized with Windows title bar button. |
$GUI_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE | the mouse cursor has moved. |
$GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN | the primary mouse button was pressed. |
$GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYUP | the primary mouse button was released. |
$GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYDOWN | the secondary mouse button was pressed. |
$GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYUP | the secondary mouse button was released. |
$GUI_EVENT_RESIZED | dialog box has been resized. |
$GUI_EVENT_DROPPED | End of a Drag&Drop action @GUI_DRAGID, @GUI_DRAGFILE and @GUI_DROPID will be used to retrieve the ID's/file corresponding to the involve control. |
This function automatically idles the CPU when required so that it can be safely used in tight loops without hogging all the CPU.
GUICreate, GUICtrlCreate..., GUICtrlRead, GUIOnEventMode (Option), GUIEventOptions (Option), GUIGetCursorInfo
; Example - Press the button to see the value of the radio boxes
; The script also detects state changes (closed/minimized/timeouts, etc).
#include <GUIConstants.au3>
Opt("GUICoordMode", 1)
GUICreate("Radio Box Demo", 400,280)
; Create the controls
$button_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("B&utton 1", 30, 20, 120, 40)
$group_1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Group 1", 30, 90, 165, 160)
$radio_1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Radio &0", 50, 120, 70, 20)
$radio_2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Radio &1", 50, 150, 60, 20)
$radio_3 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Radio &2", 50, 180, 60, 20)
; Init our vars that we will use to keep track of GUI events
$radioval1 = 0 ; We will assume 0 = first radio button selected, 2 = last button
$radioval2 = 2
; Show the GUI
GUISetState ()
; In this message loop we use variables to keep track of changes to the radios, another
; way would be to use GUICtrlRead() at the end to read in the state of each control
While 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg()
Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
MsgBox(0, "", "Dialog was closed")
MsgBox(0,"", "Dialog minimized",2)
MsgBox(0,"", "Dialog restored",2)
Case $msg = $button_1
MsgBox(0, "Default button clicked", "Radio " & $radioval1 )
Case $msg >= $radio_1 AND $msg <= $radio_3
$radioval1 = $msg - $radio_1